Upgrade the sciences first fast

Before the ministry of Education goes about eagerly waiting to receive bursary repayments, the ministry must first revise and upgrade the standards of science subjects on the schools’ syllabus in Rwanda.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Before the ministry of Education goes about eagerly waiting to receive bursary repayments, the ministry must first revise and upgrade the standards of science subjects on the schools’ syllabus in Rwanda.

Although the government is emphasising and indeed making an extra effort to develop science and technology, almost all the schools don’t have the necessary science laboratories and experts to teach the science subjects.
More focus should be aimed at solving the root cause of failing to develop good engineers, doctors, architects and many others who can use their skill to save the country from the trap of poverty.

Even those that get the bursary loans have an obligation of paying back the money to the last coin such that the scheme can remain effective in educating other citizens.

Not to mention is the extra caution required in granting of the loans.
