It is about attitude not western superiority

I came across an article on the NewTimes website and was surprised by the level of ignorance by which it was written. I’m not certain the author made enough research before writing it, and to quote a leader such as Nigeria’s Obasanjo speaks volumes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I came across an article on the NewTimes website and was surprised by the level of ignorance by which it was written. I’m not certain the author made enough research before writing it, and to quote a leader such as Nigeria’s Obasanjo speaks volumes.

 For any African to claim that homosexuality is "un-African” and back their opinion on the fact that "the Bible says so” is itself contradictory and ridiculous.

Need I remind Mr. Bigabo that the Bible itself is indeed un-African? And that the same book upon which he bases his assumptions was used in the enslavement and the colonization of our ancestors and many other "cultured societies” throughout history?

He claims that a survey conducted, not recently but well over four decades ago, and very biased, concluded that homosexuals were having sex with boys between the ages of 16 and 19. Mr. Bigabo needs to be reminded that the said homosexuals were in that age range themselves. Also known as the age of puberty! And so did and still do.

The Western World is not "assuming superiority” by pushing gay rights within third world venues.

This is a moral issue. Didn’t Rwanda suffer a horrendous genocide exactly because of the same attitude?
