The beast that is pornography

Living in the global, sophisticated and liberal place that we call the world, one would be tempted to think that slavery is a thing of the past. I was in the same line of thought, until recently when I heard some friends discussing something that I will share with you later.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Living in the global, sophisticated and liberal place that we call the world, one would be tempted to think that slavery is a thing of the past. I was in the same line of thought, until recently when I heard some friends discussing something that I will share with you later.

With the new technology coming up in our world today, so evolved have the ways of slavery become. A new beast, rising from the ashes of "Sodom and Gomorrah” has crept up on us, intent on enslaving us, a disease of the mind that has consumed many a teen such as you and me. That beast my friends is PORNOGRAPHY.

I happened to overhear my friends talking about some pornographic pictures they had just viewed on the net. They were so happy and content about it (Pamela Anderson- nude obviously) that for the rest of the day, all they could do was talk about it.

Such is the allure of pornography that it makes you forget all else. You think a lot about it and you soon become fixated. You even become addicted to the level that you can’t go a day without it.

The thing is, as you continue to watch pornographic material, your thoughts become centered on pornography, then your words, your actions, which affect your behavior and character altogether.

Like all evil/wrong/bad things, pornography also leaves a trail; from thoughts, to words, to actions, to behavior then character.

Guys, you and I don’t have to be affected by this beast. GOD gave freedom and nothing should enslave us. The change has to start with YOU! Pornography isn’t necessary in our lives and we have to decide to kick it away.

All we have to do is to eliminate the viewing of pornographic material, and obviously the thoughts of pornography too and won’t have to be slaves anymore. After all, which tree can remain upright when its roots have been cut off? Good Luck.