Peace agreement saves a lot

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon is not the only one who has welcomed the peace agreement between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC, but also Rwandan citizens.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon is not the only one who has welcomed the peace agreement between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC, but also Rwandan citizens.

In the deal signed, the DRC committed itself to disarm FDLR rebels, and to hand over those suspected of involvement in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide to Kigali and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ICTR for trial.

In turn, Rwanda agreed to seal its border with Congo, and to prevent the entry into or exit from its territory of members of any armed group particularly Congolese rebel leader General Laurent Nkunda’s group and also prevent any form of support – military, material or human – being provided to any armed group in the DRC .

UN Mission in Congo (Monuc) offered to provide support to the planning and subsequent implementation of the deal.
This approach offers an opportunity for the comprehensive resolution of the fundamental problems posed by irregular armed groups in the eastern DRC.

It is also an important step towards restoring peace and security for the population that has suffered for so long .
