Tell Chaka…

There are many things that make people happy in life. Different people get different joy in different ways. Today I bring you little Mabasi, he is going to tell us what makes him happy especially during this long holiday.

Monday, November 26, 2007

There are many things that make people happy in life. Different people get different joy in different ways. Today I bring you little Mabasi, he is going to tell us what makes him happy especially during this long holiday.

Chaka: You look so happy, what is your name little boy?

Mabasi: My name is Davis Mabasi.

Chaka: Wow! What a wonderful name. Mabasi which class are you?

Mabasi: I am in baby Class.

Chaka: Tell me, what do you enjoy doing most in your holidays?

Mabasi: I enjoy going to church to pray.

Chaka: That is good to hear, any thing else you like doing?

Mabasi: Yes. I like accompanying people at home as they go shopping in the market.

Chaka: Why? Is there any thing good you find in the market?

Mabasi: No, but when ever I go to the market they buy me Chapati.

Chaka: Wow! Is Chapati your favorite snack?

Mabasi: Yes, I like it very much……...

Chaka: What else do like eating when you go to the market?

Mabasi: I like eating chocolate and biscuits.

Chaka: What is your favorite drink?

Mabasi: My favorite drink is Sprite Soda.

Chaka: What about your best dish?

Mabasi: My best dish is rice and meat.

Chaka: Mabasi, tell me what your favorite game is.

Mabasi: My favorite game is football.

Chaka: Thank you very much. Can I take your picture?

Mabasi: (Gives a wide smile and says) YES.

Chaka: Ok... Are you ready?

Mabasi: IAM…

Chaka: Thank you very much.  


Mabasi is not only a jolly boy but he is very charming and interesting to converse with. Dear Mabasi, may you live to be an intelligent boy.

Live to explore all your talents. Happy holidays to you and your friends.        
