You need a friend just like Adam of the bible

In the beginning God created heaven and earth with the gardens of Eden. God then created Adam to take care of the gardens.

Monday, November 26, 2007

In the beginning God created heaven and earth with the gardens of Eden. God then created Adam to take care of the gardens.

The gardens were beautiful but Adam was lonely and needed some company. So God looked and saw Adam lonely and unhappy.

He created every kind of animal and every kind of bird to make him happy. He brought them all to Adam to see if they would make him happy and what he would call them.

It must have taken a long, long time to think up all those names but luckily, he got them any names like ‘dogs’ and ‘rabbits’ and ‘cats’ may be because they were not like him.

And he called the birds ‘eagles’ and ‘pigeons’ maybe because they fly. Well, actually, we do not know WHAT Adam named them. He did not speak English.

But he named each creature, and that is important because people are the only ones that name things. Your dog knows what a rat is, but he does not call it a rat.

He just barks at it! But naming things is one of the things that show we are different from all the other creatures that God made.

Even with all the animals around to keep him company, God saw that Adam was still sad. Monkeys are funny to play with, but they do not have very much to say.

Have you ever seen one? Ask daddy or mummy to take you to the zoo and see one, but they have terrible table manners.

So God made Adam fall asleep (maybe conked him on the head or something like that), and while Adam was sleeping, God took one of his ribs.

God took Adam’s rib and he made a woman from it. When Adam woke up, God brought the woman to him. Adam named her Eva and said: "At last, here is someone like me. She looks just like me as if her bones were made from my bones and her body was made from my body. I will call her ‘woman’ because that means she was taken out of man.”

At last Adam was happy and so they lived together in God’s garden. You also need a friend to play with and share your biscuits with. I hope your friend will make you happy.
