Our homes need a touch of umuganda as well

The practice of cleaning our areas of jurisdiction at the end of every month, that has now gone on for years through out the entire country is in a way a patriotic act.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The practice of cleaning our areas of jurisdiction at the end of every month, that has now gone on for years through out the entire country is in a way a patriotic act.

The umuganda has really helped in maintaining a dirt free Rwanda.

The activity is in every way indisputable because no citizen is excused from participating, does not segregate anybody and also enables people in the neighbourhoods to know each other.

Some people are rather uncomfortable with the whole idea of cleaning up the environment.

They view it as a burden. I think that people should begin to enjoy the whole exercise.

The exercise should not stop at the streets alone but should stretch into people’s homes.

Otherwise it does not make much sense to find the city shinning after umuganda and yet people’s homes are filthy. People ought to give an impression from the outside and even in their homes. 

I suggest that the ministry of local government start up umuganda of people’s homes.

This will help people appreciate umuganda as a healthy way of life.
