Let the leaders borrow a leaf

A few weeks back, honorable Zito Kabwe, MP Kigoma North(CHADEMA), blew a whistle on the exploitative nature of the mining agreements in Tanzania.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A few weeks back, honorable Zito Kabwe, MP Kigoma North(CHADEMA), blew a whistle on the exploitative nature of the mining agreements in Tanzania.

Overzealous CCM MP moved a motion and he was suspended from Parliament.

A few weeks down, President Kikwete, being the mzalendo that he is, constituted a committee to study all the mining agreements the previous government  had entered into with foreign mining companies and Mheshimiwa Zito Kabwe is a member on that committee, chaired by a retired judge!
Can we borrow any leaf from our neighbors? Shall we see the day when Wakina Harry Kasigwa, Christopher Kibanzanga et al, will be on such committees probing Tristar, National Housing as far as reasons and terms of sale are concerned?  What about the existence of Dura Mining Company, etc?
