Poverty is a mindset, you too can be rich

EDITOR, I would like to address those Rwandans who think they cannot emerge from poverty.  Today the sight of people struggling, to find food are so popular in every angle you turn. The problem is that so many people keep blaming others as the reason for their poverty.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I would like to address those Rwandans who think they cannot emerge from poverty.  Today the sight of people struggling, to find food are so popular in every angle you turn. The problem is that so many people keep blaming others as the reason for their poverty.

They blame the system for their poverty, they blame rich people for being rich, they blame those who are driving personal cars as the reason for their walking, and they even blame the mosquitoes when they catch malaria. This is the typical mind of poverty.

I need to remind every Rwandan that the country is striving towards achieving its Vision 2020 goals through the EDPRS.

The very reason why this is existent is for everyone to get into the bandwagon and find a place where they can fit in and develop; no one is being left behind, unless they want to.

The human resource of Rwanda is an asset that cannot be ignored because people are valuable for the development of the country.

Through enabling people to realize their potential and self reliance, anyone can be an entrepreneur. The whole idea that there is no room for personal development is just a fear that is hidden within people’s small perception of life.

The bigger the dream and vision one carries, is equivalent to the amount of prosperity they can achieve.

I know the Rwanda of today is not the Rwanda of 15 years ago where opportunities were deliberately kept away from the people.

The pace at which the business arena and other sectors are developing is a real example that people are striving for a better and richer Rwanda.

Positive thinking with hard work is what gets people out of poverty, not free cash handouts. Get rid of the poverty mindset and renew your minds with positivity and successful thinking.  

Yvette Kamanzi