Business community optimistic; Commonwealth has potential

The ended Commonwealth Business Forum in Uganda drew 900 business and government leaders from 40 countries. Business Times’ Berna Namata caught up with some of the Rwandan delegation to discuss the significance of participating in the meeting.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The ended Commonwealth Business Forum in Uganda drew 900 business and government leaders from 40 countries. Business Times’ Berna Namata caught up with some of the Rwandan delegation to discuss the significance of participating in the meeting.

Gerard Sina 
Managing director, Urwibutso, manufacturers of Agashya, Akarusho and Akabanga juices
Attending forum has been very useful to me. It increased my knowledge on how to develop a sustainable business partnership with different businesses. This will help me do my business better and expand it.

I have met so many people willing to partner with my company and this will help me sell my products internationally. All the issues raised during the forum like the use of technology were very relevant because it is the engine of successful businesses in the world.
I will make my products available now in all the East African countries, now that I have the contacts, and I will also improve on the quality of my products so that they compete favourably on the larger East African Community market.

There is nothing impossible to achieve from what has been discussed with the good governance we have in Rwanda. Rwandans who see less value in participating in agriculture should learn from my successful business and   know that   there is a lot to reap from agriculture. I will transform my products using technology to improve their value on the market.

Rwanda should have applied to join the Commonwealth earlier; joining the Commonwealth will bring a lot of benefits to the Country and even help us in fighting poverty.
Florent Uwamahoro de la Paix,

Chairman, Sun City Hotel
I have got connections with business leaders from allover the world.

The forum was timely and relevant to me. Before starting hotel business, I was dealing in ICT, importing and distributing general electronics.
Including some in banking sector and this will help me achieve my dream of creating Sun City Chain of hotels in the region. If Rwanda joins the Commonwealth, this will help boost our economy due the great links with the world.
Dan Ntambara, managing director DAPE; manufacturers of leather products .

I have learnt best practices in business that will benefit my company and my country as well.

I have attended international business forums before but this one has been very exciting .

I got to meet so many business people and the theme of the forum was very relevant because in Africa we still have a lot of resources that have not been tapped.

It is not only natural resources but intellectual resources that must be tapped due to changes in the business world like the use of technology. Though there is new technology and development of knowledge there is low application.

Now I will expand my business to cater for the large EAC market. If Rwanda joins the Commonwealth, the market will expand.

It will be a large population where markets will be easily accessible. It will also facilitate development due to common interest in terms of development of infrastructural development, technology and exchange of knowledge.

The whole working environment for business to prosper will be favourable, since we will have the same mission as Commonwealth countries. Free trade zones will improve the quality of life of people who live on less than a dollar and the banking sector will help us to access financial markets and institutions.

 Door Plantenga
 Chief executive officer, Bralirwa 
Participating in the forum has been interesting. I enjoyed the whole session. I managed to meet and network with business people looking at issues within the Commonwealth.

It was nice with our Rwandan delegation interacting with other business people and being able to talk about Rwanda. People have shown interest to come and start businesses in Rwanda.

If Rwanda joins the Commonwealth, it will have a closer link to Anglophone countries given the fact that Rwanda has already joined the East African Community. There are lots of advantages that will make business easier for us for instance VISA requirements will be eased.  

Nsengumuremyi Alexis
Director, La Generale Des Constructions 
I am challenged to do business better .If Rwanda joins the Commonwealth it will help expand its market and make more money.
