Minister opens two solidarity camps in Gicumbi district

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Minister of Infrastructure Stanislas Kamanzi officially opened solidarity camps at Rushaki and Rutare sectors in Gicumbi district this Tuesday.

Friday, November 23, 2007


GICUMBI — Minister of Infrastructure Stanislas Kamanzi officially opened solidarity camps at Rushaki and Rutare sectors in Gicumbi district this Tuesday.

The solidarity camps, commonly known as Ingando, which will last for two months, comprise of local leaders at grass-roots levels and opinion leaders hailing from 21 Sectors of Gicumbi district.

There are 414 participants at Rushaki solidarity camp and 447 participants at Rutare solidarity camp. Among the lessons taught include the role of the family in national development, and democracy and good governance.

Minister Kamanzi advised the participants to apply lessons learned at the solidarity camps in their daily activities.

"You should work with dedication and love for your country to set a good example to others,” he said. On his part, Deo Kabagamba enlightened Ingando participants on the importance of solidarity camps.

"Ingando have been in existence from the days of our ancestors and are meant to cement love, unity and hard work among the Rwandan society,” said Kabagambe.

In his address to participants Mayor Bonane Nyangezi advised on the importance of organisation and time-efficiency.

"You have to use this time properly because time is money”, said Mayor Nyangezi.

Among the guests who accompanied the minister included the executive secretary of Northern Province representing Governor Deo Kabagamba, Mayor of Gicumbi Bonane Nyangezi, 503 Brigade Commander Brig. General Augustine Kashaija, among other dignitaries.
