Two prisoners shot dead

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA - Two young men were shot dead by prison wardens during an attempt to escape from Gitarama central prison.

Friday, November 23, 2007


MUHANGA - Two young men were shot dead by prison wardens during an attempt to escape from Gitarama central prison.

The duo where fired at last week morning after breaking through prison roofing and setting off to their freedom. Unfortunately the guards caught up with them in the nearby ditch, security officials revealed.

The deceased have been identified as Boniface Ngizwenayo and Aloys Ndorimana-both residents of Karongi and Rutsiro district respectively.

Similar attempts of prisoners escaping have been evident in the Muhanga prison. Sources in prison reveal that two other teenagers had also managed to escape on the night of November 11, while another five adult prisoners made their way to freedom late last month.

Commenting on frequency of escape, Director of Prisons Steven Balinda said that "there has been poor management among the prison staff and precautions have been taken recently.”

Balinda also stated that "Muhanga prison is not suitable for habiting inmates due to the problem of infrastructure and older buildings, which allow prisoners to take advantage during the heavy rainy season.”

Muhanga prison has over 9,000 prisoners and is currently among the prisons that face a problem of space.
