Protect the shelters by the roadside

Dear editor, We have all seen the rains in the recent days and as a result people run to the nearest places for shelter.Because we all can not afford buying umbrellas and we all don’t have cars, we seek shelter as nearest places available.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear editor,

We have all seen the rains in the recent days and as a result people run to the nearest places for shelter.
Because we all can not afford buying umbrellas and we all don’t have cars, we seek shelter as nearest places available.

The most convenient ones are the ones at the stages where we wait for taxis but I have looked on in ewe.

I am sick and tired of seeing people with upright minds standing on those seats; it makes me want to slap them hard on their cheeks yet I cannot.

Do people know the use of those seats…. I don’t think so because they have instead decided to stand on them and I wonder why.

Are these people in a proper state of mind because if they see no use of the seats, or can they be equated to insane people who cannot reason.

Do they ever wonder who is going to clean up the next day?

These shelters were placed for our convenience to purposely help us rest while we wait for the next taxis to our destinations.

I only hope that my brothers and sisters, who step on these seats will start to behave like they belong to them, after all, everyone will have to use them even the next day.

We need to appreciate the good things our leaders are doing for us, but if we do not guard what we have today we shall have nothing to show off tomorrow. 

Even though these seats look like something so small they are worthwhile and necessary, and need not take these things for granted.

Instead of destroying what we have accomplished, we should instead cherish, guard and protect what belongs to us.