It is all great work

Allow me to appreciate Kigali city council for the great work they are doing in keeping our city clean.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Allow me to appreciate Kigali city council for the great work they are doing in keeping our city clean.

I was so honored when a friend of mine from Uganda praised Kigali for being a clean city saying it would have been better if Common wealth Heads of State and governments (CHOGM) summit was to be held here.

The CHOGM meeting is expected to take place in Kampala Uganda at the end of November this year.

Another thing that I wish to comment Kigali city council for is the removal of street beggars; though not sure of where they are hope they are better off as compared to the street life. If not they would have come back.

We believe that wherever they are they are must be safe.
The few who seen here and there must be new comers whom I am sure will be taken care of like the others were.

A big thank you to KCC for the big vision it has and for portraying a clear and clean city which makes our city the best in the East African community.     
