Utilise EAC to develop writers

Like the rest of the EAC (East Africa Community) countries, Rwanda should use its membership in the EAC as a grand opportunity to develop the reading and writing culture.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Like the rest of the EAC (East Africa Community) countries, Rwanda should use its membership in the EAC as a grand opportunity to develop the reading and writing culture.

There are few renown writers in Rwanda or those whose works are internationally recognized. Even with these staggering statistics, there is promising development especially with the on going construction of public library in Kigali.

It would be a good thing if writers especially those that use the English language (because it is the most globally used language) are given extra attention.

The ministry of education should consider including intensive reading on the schools’ curriculum and establish a publishing house.

Writers can be helped by organizing prize winning competitions for writers, right from primary school level to university. It is rather sad to note that most of Rwanda’s history was written by foreigners.

There might not be any major danger in this; however, we ought to have our very own ‘Shakespeare’ or ‘Wole Soyinka’ among others. It is very gratifying to have an internationally appreciated piece from Rwanda written by a Rwandan.

Student KIE