Can the online edition get posted earlier?

Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate The New Times for the job it does. I read the online the New Times daily, along with other papers. For the weeks now, I have been particularly encouraged by the paper appeared online just after 23hrs.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate The New Times for the job it does. I read the online the New Times daily, along with other papers. For the weeks now, I have been particularly encouraged by the paper appeared online just after 23hrs.

This meant that in terms of updated information, The New Times was competing with other papers in the region.

However, of recent (two or three weeks now) the online edition of our paper was posted at around 2am (Kigali Time). I stay awake because I want to read updated news from Rwanda. Other regional papers are already online by this time.

I want to restate my congratulations to the online team. Just try to post the paper earlier. Best Wishes

Baguma Abdallah
Ph D Student
Department of Sociology

School of Sciences
University of Aberdeen