Why she can’t meet his parents

He is not sure about his love for me. Maybe he is a big time player. He is not proud of me. He wants more in a woman that I happen not to have. When a guy holds up on introducing his girl friend/fiancée to his family, it arouses such doubts.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

He is not sure about his love for me. Maybe he is a big time player. He is not proud of me. He wants more in a woman that I happen not to have.

When a guy holds up on introducing his girl friend/fiancée to his family, it arouses such doubts.

Suddenly the love that has been considered a blessing to both partners seems a big joke. The most valuable gift {love} and high hopes to marry become more of a dream, one that seems too far to be reached.

A woman will regret why she ever met a guy when he starts getting sceptical about introducing her to his family. It’s every lady’s dream to be proudly introduced by her Mr. Right to his family. And if things never go this way, a girl will give up on everything.

"He was never serious with me. Maybe he wanted a one night stand,” says Irene Uwizeye. She called her one year old relationship quits when her man always got excuses when it came to ‘meeting the parents.’

Speaking of what makes a girl’s nerves boil and her heart to ache, guys who never introduce girls to their family rank highest. Guys will always be considered unserious, ashamed of their girlfriends and failures when it comes to marriage.

The mere mention of having a Mr. Right, the next question from the girls will always be ‘have you met his people?’ Introducing a girl to the guy’s relatives is a crucial judgmental step when it comes to ‘the guy’s plans’ for the relationship.

So is it that all guys who never introduce girlfriends have no concrete plan to marry them? Is it because the girls don’t deserve officially being the girlfriends? Or it’s because the guys think a girl will overestimate the relationship in case she is known to the relatives?

Well, it’s a yes and no. Some guys won’t introduce their girls to family because they don’t plan to get serious with them.

Others won’t do the introduction because they are less comfortable with their choice while other guys have more sounding reasons for not doing the introductions.
In the Hollywood movie dubbed ‘Meet the parents’, a girl introduces her boyfriend to her parents.

It was clear that her dad expected more in his daughter’s husband to be. He eventually ended up acting funny and making everything complicated between the guy in question and his little girl.

That’s how it goes all the time. Parents will always expect better from their children especially sons.
"When I took my former girlfriend home.

My mum loudly made bad comments about her. The complaints kept on until we broke up,” says Rashid Mugisha.

At 30, Rashid is not in a relationship partly because his mother will never approve of any girlfriend he introduces to her.

Parents not approving a guy’s girlfriend will always make the girl insecure and the guy will also have second thoughts after all the complaints. This explains why some guys would rather introduce the women in their lives a few weeks to the wedding.

It’s also common that many mothers consider their sons babies. And in this case, babies who will never grow up at any point.

When a guy gets stable in a relationship, mothers will always complain about the time he spends with them, they will always wonder if the dear son will forsake them after marrying.

This makes them crave for being with their sons for every second. And for the guys, they decide not to tell mothers about their still immature relationship.

"A real guy prefers telling when there is some tangible step,” says Mugisha.

And to a real man, he will always stand by his word. For girls, even imagining herself in that white wedding gown can be reason enough to make her tell the whole world about her love story. For men, they always want to speak things they are sure of. They will not open up about a relationship until it’s worth mentioning.

And knowing that some families never entertain strangers, of course guys would rather not introduce their girlfriends if they will be at loggerheads with the meant to be in-laws.

Before you blame him for not introducing you to the family, find out whether the reasons are genuine.
