MTN stepping up to the plate

Editor, I had written a couple of letters to The New Times previously with regards to MTN’s preposterous pay-as-you-go plan for the wireless Internet modem, as well as having problems with lost emails. When I originally went to MTN at UTC to see if I can get my money back for my modem, as I was frustrated with the pay-as-you-go and the lost outgoing emails, a manager by the name of Salma Habib overheard my conversation with one of the employees, and asked if I could discuss the problem with her. 

Friday, November 13, 2009
MTN Rwanda headquarters. A client was impressed by the service he was rendered.


I had written a couple of letters to The New Times previously with regards to MTN’s preposterous pay-as-you-go plan for the wireless Internet modem, as well as having problems with lost emails.

When I originally went to MTN at UTC to see if I can get my money back for my modem, as I was frustrated with the pay-as-you-go and the lost outgoing emails, a manager by the name of Salma Habib overheard my conversation with one of the employees, and asked if I could discuss the problem with her. 

Subsequently, she set up a meeting with Michael Mukasa, Manager of IT Operations at MTN Headquarters, so I could show him my computer and we could work as partners in fixing the problem. 

Michael, along with his team, worked diligently on the problem with the missing outbound emails, and Salma provided regular updates to me. 

Michael and Salma also listened to and understood the concerns about the wireless Internet pay-as-you go plan.
I want to thank both of these individuals.

A company can learn a lot from outstanding personnel who go above and beyond, listens to the customer, take action, and diligently follows up issues.

And thank you MTN management for responding to the issue quickly and providing the flexibility in internet services we customers need.  Adhering to a customer-centric model definitely increases client satisfaction, while increasing market penetration for the company.

Mark Larsen
078333 7427