A day in the life of... : Mike Mayeka

Mike Mayeka is the Manager of Nyarutarama Sports Centre. Must be a very busy fellow. Below, he takes us through his typical day at work.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Mike Mayeka

Mike Mayeka is the Manager of Nyarutarama Sports Centre. Must be a very busy fellow. Below, he takes us through his typical day at work.

I wake-up at 5:30a.m and go swimming for at least an hour. I then take a hot shower and dress for the day. By 7a.m, I must start work since I happen to stay at my work premises. Before I get in office, I inspect the work surroundings.

When in office, I first deal with the priority items on the day’s agenda. At about 9a.m, I have breakfast and continue with work.

My work comprises ensuring the availability of required services at the centre and checking on management issues among others.

I normally have lunch at 3p.m and rest for an hour if I have no meetings to attend.

Work goes on until 10 p.m but I normally have supper at 8p.m before I get home. By 11p.m, I must be in the house. I take a shower and get to bed.
