Izuba expected to guadruple circulation

The New Times publications has laid concrete strategies to guide the company’s operation for the next three years.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The New Times publications has laid concrete strategies to guide the company’s operation for the next three years.

The department heads joined in discussions during a retreat in Kibuye, of what should be done to ensure smooth flow and a friendly work environment for each.

According to managing director Ignatius Kabagambe, all departments could not be successful without each other’s help and that’s the reason as to why the retreat concentrated on all of them.

"The finance controls money made by marketing, the human resource is responsible for employing staff,” says Kabagambe.

The editorial, procurement, finance, human resource and marketing departments put across intended budgets for the year 2008.

In this three-day retreat, held at Morriah Hill resort, other targets including boasting the image of the paper, widening the scope of advertising out-of-paper projects, for instance independent magazines, adding on editorial equipment, logistics, and staff, as well as owning a printing press. 

Management wanted to focus on circulation by raising the number of copies from 2,500 to4,000 by the end of the year. Kabagambe said this would be done through raising the circulation of The New Times-sister paper, Izuba, 4,000.

To reach all targets, The New Times will focus on staff trainings, recruiting more staff like editors and reporters, as well as appreciating active staff through recognition.

Also, suggestions like specialization in training reporters were considered.

Presentations were made by the website master, production head, and Izuba consultant.

Meanwhile participants were excited by the company’s first analysis of money expenditure as well as budget proposal.
