Rwandan students on US study tour

KIGALI - A team of eighteen Rwandan students is set to make a study visit to the United States of America this week.The visit is aimed at building leadership abilities among youths.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Arrietti expects good benefits from the trip for the students (Photo/G.Barya)

KIGALI - A team of eighteen Rwandan students is set to make a study visit to the United States of America this week.
The visit is aimed at building leadership abilities among youths.

The students’ trip follows a youth leadership programme announced by former Assistant Secretary of State Dina Powell during her visit to Rwanda last year.

Accompanied by three adult educators, the students will participate in a four-week leadership programme due November 24-December 20.

"It is only natural that the good ties begin to grow among the future leaders of our two countries,” Michael Arrietti, the US Ambassador to Rwanda, said during a pre-departure orientation held for the students at the US Embassy recently.

"It is my sincere hope that you will return to Rwanda with greater understanding of the people, culture after establishing bonds of friendship with many Americans you will encounter,” he added.

The State Minister in charge of Primary and Secondary Education, Joseph Murekeraho advised the students to competently represent their counterparts and the Rwandan society in general.   

The students from six secondary schools were selected basing on their academic performance and leadership potential.

They were chosen from Lycee de Kigali, Fawe Girls School, Kagarama SS, G.S APRED Ndera, Nyagatare SS and Kiziguro SS.
