Road Safety week commendable

Editor, While Kigali isn’t a city that is renowned for its traffic accidents, as it becomes more affluent, the risk is that with the increased vehicle volume, traffic accidents will become the norm.

Monday, November 02, 2009


While Kigali isn’t a city that is renowned for its traffic accidents, as it becomes more affluent, the risk is that with the increased vehicle volume, traffic accidents will become the norm.

That is why it is pertinent that the National Police educates drivers, and the general public, about road safety.

I’m happy to note that this week is dedicated to observing national road safety through various; activities that will be officially launched by the Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana.

If we heed to these campaigns,  then we, the general public, will not have to worry about waking up in hospital because of and errant driver one day.

Robert Busingye