Now that we have Sierra Leonean prisoners, when shall we get our own?

Editor, I have a question to ask the good people in the ICTR. If the legal boffins in the ‘UN’ Tribunal in Sierra Leone deem Rwanda fit enough to hold the sentenced criminals, then why doesn’t the ICTR see us fit too as well?

Monday, November 02, 2009


I have a question to ask the good people in the ICTR. If the legal boffins in the ‘UN’ Tribunal in Sierra Leone deem Rwanda fit enough to hold the sentenced criminals, then why doesn’t the ICTR see us fit too as well?

Is the decision to transfer prisoners made by individual court personnel, or is it the UN system? Because if it is the system, then it doesn’t make sense if the ICTR doesn’t let Rwanda extend the same ‘welcome’ to the Rwandan prisoners that we are currently giving to the Sierra Leonean ones. I think it would be a case of bad faith.

Sam Rwego