Tell Chaka…

It’s now coming to three weeks since the children got their holiday. Holidays are such nice moments, during this period children get ample time to relax and play.

Monday, November 19, 2007

It’s now coming to three weeks since the children got their holiday. Holidays are such nice moments, during this period children get ample time to relax and play.

In our interview today, we have some one who is going to tell us what has mainly occupied him this holiday. He will also tell us what parents or guardians expect from children whenever they get their holidays.

Chaka: Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Shadu: My name is Shadu Rwambibi, 13 years old. In P.4

Chaka: Since you got your holidays, what have you been doing?

Shadu: I have been helping my parents with some work.

Chaka: Which type of work have you been helping them with?

Shadu: Fetching water, sweeping the compound and cleaning the utensils.

Chaka: That sounds good, you are a responsible boy. Do you get time to play?

Shadu: Yes I get time to play with my friends.

Chaka: Tell me some of the games you play with your friends?

Shadu: I play foot ball. It is my favourite game.

Chaka: What can you advice other children who are on holiday?

Shadu: I advice other children to help their parents with some domestic work.

Chaka: Only that?

Shadu: (laughs) ………They also should not forget to do some revision of school wok.

Chaka: Should helping parents stop with the holidays?

Shadu: No, helping parents should be our discipline as children.

Chaka:  We are getting closer to Christmas, what message can you give your friends?

Shadu: I wish them a merry Christmas and a happy new year.                       


Hullo…… boys, did you know that domestic work is not supposed to be done by girls only as you think? Take Shadu as a good example; he does house work.

Helping our parents at home should be every child’s discipline as Shadu says. A child who helps his or her parents will always be exemplary to the rest in the society.

Let us be good children by respecting and helping parents/guardians with some domestic work.    