Kiumi, the giant killer

One day Kiumi’s mother called him and said “Listen my son, to my sad story. There lives quite near us a terrible giant. It was he…he…? Her voice shook and her thin fingers grasped his hand?

Monday, November 19, 2007

One day Kiumi’s mother called him and said "Listen my son, to my sad story. There lives quite near us a terrible giant. It was he…he…? Her voice shook and her thin fingers grasped his hand?

Yes it was he who killed and ate all our relatives and our animals just before you were born. He killed every one in the village except me.

The village used to such a happy place! He is the one who ate your father, your brothers and your sisters.? Her voice became louder and louder, and she shouted? Revenge, revenge, my son!?

Kiumi was very angry when he had this story. He felt no fear of Kiumi the giant. He was ready to fight him, but his mother was worried. ?Be careful my son? she called after him?

He is a terrible giant. He will try to eat you too. She needn’t worry because the giant had become careless, and she told her son that since the giant has spent long without eating, he is likely to have grown weak.

The mother advised her son as to how he will approach Kiumi, the giant. My son as you are coming closer to the giant, you will have to start making a war cry, and when her son was in a close contact with the giant, her son shouted at the top of his voice ?

You are Kiumi and I am also Kiumi!, which of the two among us will live?!? the son of the woman shouted. The giant was surprised as he thought that he had eaten each and every person in the village, and said? Where has this handsome young man come from?

He had a very sharp spear which he had prepared long before, and instantly speared at the giant’s belly, and a loud roll came out as his sister was telling him to be careful while piercing the giant’s belly so as not to hurt her, the father also was saying the same thing, and the giant had also eaten his beautiful bride called Mumbi, she came out of the giant’s stomach, goats also came out of the giant’s stomach, sheep also came out while bleating, cows came out while mooing.

The village was full joy as the dead people had come back on the earth, finally Mumbi the wife of the dead giant married Kiumi, the savior, and the giant died there after. 
