Police detain 7 ‘FDLR recruits’

GATSIBO - Police in Gatsibo District have arrested seven men on a suspected mission to join the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

GATSIBO - Police in Gatsibo District have arrested seven men on a suspected mission to join the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels.

The suspects, two of them local defense officers and one demobilised soldier, were caught over the weekend in Rwimbogo Sector in an apparent move to join FDLR bases in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

They were led by one Faustin Ndekezi, who police officers said an FDLR rebels collaborator.

The other suspects are; Jean de Dieu Nsabimana, Innocent Twagirimana, Gilbert Ndagijimana (both local defense officers), Jean Claude Habumugabo (a demobilised soldier), Katabirora and Benedict Ndego.

Gatsibo Mayor, Vianney Murego said they were tipped off about the suspects’ move during a security meeting in the area and alerted the security operatives.

"We have not yet confirmed whether they were going to FDLR bases because police is still investigating.

They are just suspects at the moment and police and other security organs will have to finish the investigations first,” Murego said yesterday.

However, security sources say that Ndekezi, who is suspected of recruiting for the insurgents, had by yesterday confessed to police that he was indeed working for the FDLR.

Sources also said that Ndekezi had at first told the suspected recruits that he was taking them to join Gen.

Laurent Nkunda, a Congolese army rebel leader in the eastern DRC. But he later told them they were going to an FDLR base in Masisi, located in the DRC.

Officers at Gatsibo Police Post where the suspects are being detained declined to comment on the arrests.

They referred The New Times to Police Spokesman Marcel Higiro who could not pick his phone by the time went to press.

FDLR which was declared a negative force by a regional platform Tripartite Plus Commission is composed mainly of Interahamwe militias and Ex-Far are responsible for the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.

It is estimated to have over 10,000 fighters and has been attacking villages in the conflict torn eastern DRC killing civilians, looting their property and driving many into displaced camps.

Recently, Rwanda’s Foreign minister Dr Charles Muriganda and his Congelese counterpart Mbusa Nyamwisi signed an agreement to have FDLR rebels disarmed and extradited to Rwanda.
