Performance contracts to be signed at household level

NORTHERN PROVINCE RUBAVU—Unlike in the past, annual performance contacts known as Imihigo will soon be pertained by all Rwandans at the household level who will make vows of the achievements they will have attained in a period of one year before their local leaders and the entire population in every Umudugudu.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


RUBAVU—Unlike in the past, annual performance contacts known as Imihigo will soon be pertained by all Rwandans at the household level who will make vows of the achievements they will have attained in a period of one year before their local leaders and the entire population in every Umudugudu.

This was revealed  November 15 by Rubavu vice-mayor in charge of people’s welfare Jacqueline Bakunduseruye shortly after the district authority handed over lists of activities followed by the residents during the process of signing the household level contacts.

"The performance contracts at household level are meant to motivate people towards hard work and we hope at the end of the year many households will have achieved a lot out of it. Each household head will after discoursing with his family members present a list of things his family will have achieved by the end of next years, which will be evaluated by the local leader after a certain period,” she explained.

The performance contracts will base on the government’s goals meant to uplift the country’s economy and the people’s welfare. These will include good governance, justice, and increased agricultural productivity among others.

According to Bugoyi cell coordinator Vumilia Uwihoreye, residents in her cell have already started proposing a list of the achievements they will have attained by the end of next year.

"People are very happy about the contracts and some have already presented their propositions. Some families have promised to have bought water tanks by the end of next years, some have promised to have increased their agricultural production which we hop will give them courage to work hard towards the achievement of the set targets,” she said.

Cell authorities are in the process of educating residents on various issues such as Gacaca and the Imihigo, which residents will sign before local leaders.

She called upon residents to turn up on November 17 and 18, when authorities would fully explain the process and importances of these contracts. Claude Habineza a resident of Gisenyi sector said that the contracts would help residents work harder.

"I think it is a good idea. I myself would work hard to a achieve my promises otherwise I would be considered a failure in my community.”
