Gakenke enacts measures for population control

NORTHERN PROVINCE  In an attempt to counter high birth rates in Gakenke district, leaders have been asked to carry out education on birth control while medical practitioners in all health centers have been trained on administering family-planning methods.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


In an attempt to counter high birth rates in Gakenke district, leaders have been asked to carry out education on birth control while medical practitioners in all health centers have been trained on administering family-planning methods.

Every hospital and health center in all the sectors of the district shall have a professional in-treatment of family-planning methods.

This was revealed by the vice-mayor in charge of social affairs Winfred Nyirihirwa after closing a two-week training of 20 doctors and nurses on the family-planning methods, held in Musanze.

She cautioned that sustainable development could not be envisaged when the population increased more than the rate of economic development.

Gakenke, which is one of the most populated districts, has a high birth rate with only 12  per cent of the population said to be using family planning methods.

Dr. J Baptist Habyarimana, director of Nemba hospital said that some religions failed the use of modern family planning methods in favor of natural methods. He said that the district lacked equipment and trained personnel on family planning administration.

Sensitization and education of all husbands and mothers acquiring antenatal services was opted as a strategy to change the cultural values attached to many children.

While inaugurating a sante postal (health center) in Kivuluga on Wednesday, Minster of Health Dr. J Damascene warned against a culture of ‘guharika no gusudira’ (polygamy and adultery).

"After drinking Ikigaje (local blew) men don’t think about how many children they are going to produce, how they will raise them or about Aids,” the minister said.
