Civil servants to seek legal redress in Gasabo plots drama

Civil servants who acquired plots of land from Gasabo District, have threatened to take court action against the district. The government employees from over 15 public institutions, who met recently at St. Paul in Kigali, also resolved to petition President Paul Kagame for the second time in order to settle their dispute with the district.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
PINNED: Gasabo Mayor Claudine Nyinawagaga

Civil servants who acquired plots of land from Gasabo District, have threatened to take court action against the district.

The government employees from over 15 public institutions, who met recently at St. Paul in Kigali, also resolved to petition President Paul Kagame for the second time in order to settle their dispute with the district.

The civil servants have given the district authorities a three-month grace period to produce their land titles or they file a law suit against Gasabo District.   

"Some of us have spent five years waiting for plots we fully paid for,” one unidentified employee of the Civil Aviation Authority revealed.

"The district has repeatedly promised to give us plots but they have not kept their promise, which leaves no option but to seek court redress,” Alain Bernard Mukuralinda, head of the civil servants committee told the meeting.

According to the agreement with the district, the civil servants would pay between Rwf 1.5m and Rwf 2.5m for the plots.

The plots in Rusororo and Runyonza were later allocated to other developers under the Kigali City Master Plan.
Civil servants have now demanded plots in other areas or refunds with interest.

However, when contacted, the Mayor of Gasabo District, Claudine Nyinawagaga said the district was on track to solve the issue.

"Land demarcation has been completed. All that remains now is implementation. That is the only comment I can make,” she said.

Over 200 civil servants paid over Rwf 440m to the District to acquire plots for residential houses.
