Kabeza road now better

Allow me through The New Times to pass my appreciation to the city mayor of Kigali for the efforts put in the reconstruction of Kabeza road.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Allow me through The New Times to pass my appreciation to the city mayor of Kigali for the efforts put in the reconstruction of Kabeza road.

As everyone knows, poor roads lead to accidents and many people tend to loose their lives. However this has been a long awaited answer to the residents because of the dust and potholes ever since the 90s.

The road has caused many accidents especially during the rainy season hence worsening the already bad state of the roads however I believe with the great attempt to reconstruct all roads in the outskirts of the city will lead to more investors coming in our country.

Big thanks to the Kigali city council and more so for the labours being put in the construction of Kabeza road. I believe this will help in the reduction of accidents in the area.
