DR Congo to dismantle and expel FDLR bandits as Col. Karegeya climbs down social order

The EU was denied the opportunity of playing patron to African and Caribbean Pacific countries during last week’s EU-ACP parliamentary session held in Kigali last week.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The EU was denied the opportunity of playing patron to African and Caribbean Pacific countries during last week’s EU-ACP parliamentary session held in Kigali last week.

The EU had set an ultimatum for ACP countries for 31st December to sign an economic partnership agreement between the two blocks, the trade partnership whose major emphasis is sale of agricultural products has been described by analysts to be unfair to ACP countries as European farmers enjoy huge subsidies from their governments and earn a lot by selling their crops at lower prices.

The Europeans used the 10th parliamentary session of the ACP and EU to put pressure on ACP countries in accepting to sign a deal that would lead to creation of an economic partnership between the two parties. ACP legislators refused to sign the deal till they read it very carefully, according to Denis Polisi deputy speaker of parliament.
The Europeans in turn threatened to increase tariffs on her exports by January 1, 2008 if ACP members refuse to comply. If the Europeans go ahead with their threat, it could have widespread implications in the economies of ACP countries.

Soccer fans would be hardest hit because there would not be more live football to watch on TV.

The economic block relationship between the EU and ACP began in 2000-with Cotonou Agreement in which 77 African and Caribbean and Pacific countries signed a treaty for increased economic ties between Europe and developing countries within the ACP.

This agreement aimed at creating a major instrument of economic and trade co-operation between Europe and ACP, today it is composed of 106 members.

This year’s EU-ACP parliamentary session was attended by some 1,600 delegates from 106 countries from all over the world.

Meanwhile, Paul Rusesabagina has continued pedaling lies to whole the world describing himself as the ultimate savior of Rwandans during the 1994 Genocide. Todate he has had a few people doubting him.

That was before Emory Faculty took time to read about Rwanda, Rusesabagina has since 1996 addressed students,  lecturers, presidents, movie makers and anyone giving him audience.

Last week he was lecturing a think tank known as the State of Race at Emory University, before many high profile people at the university opposed him and called on him to be more responsible in branding himself.

Rusesabagina’s speech was met with protest from those who believe that his role has been exaggerated and misleading. Protestors stationed outside Glenn-where the event took place and handed out fliers prior to his speech, calling for the US to stop giving Rusesabagina a hero’s welcome.

The institution is a private owned college in Atlanta and has hosted internationally recognized figures like the Dalai Lama.

This year, Rusesabagina was invited to speak on the theme of  "State of Race” where he was blasted by leading academicians at the institution for ‘milking’ his experience with the 1994 Genocide to create himself a reputation as a protagonist in saving Tutsi lives during the 1994 Genocide.

Rusesabagina’s diatribe against President Kagame and his administration is similar to the hate literature used by bandits hiding in Eastern DR Congo against Rwanda and President Kagame-these bandits have also attacked Tutsi tribesmen in Eastern Congo.

However, these will be no more if the contents of a mega deal signed between Rwanda, and DR Congo in Nairobi were to be believed.

In the agreement, DR Congo committed itself to disarming and expelling Rwandan rebels, operating under the umbrella Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda-FDLR.
The deal, under the auspices of the UN, US and EU states that DR Congo will begin launching military attacks to break up and crash the Genocidal ideology touting army of the ex-FAR/Interahamwe and several militias freely moving about in the Congo.

The agreement was signed by Rwanda Foreign Affairs minister Charles Murigande and his counterpart DR Congo’s Mbusa Nyamwisi.

Monuc promised to provide support to the planning and subsequent implementation consistent with its mandate and capacities.

Rwanda on her part will seal her boarder and ensure that no one walks in or out of DR Congo to destabilize the region.

Meanwhile, Rwandan legislators through Denis Polisi deputy speaker of the house expressed doubts about DR Congo’s commitment to deal with FDLR; they said the Congolese government has continually duped the international community about her seriousness to expel FDLR, "They said it before and done nothing about it,” he said.

As if it was not enough good news that Rwandan rebels in Eastern Congo will be flashed out, the World Bank released figures on Thursday that life expectancy of Rwandans has increased from 38.99 in 2001 to 52.73 years in 2006.

The increase in life expectancy is a result of increased investments in the country which also enhanced the quality of life as well.

In a classical example of regressive social mobility-former military spy chief and army spin doctor, Colonel Patrick Karegeya was released from Remera coolers and returned to life as a civilian or lowest rank soldier.

Karegeya who has been serving 18 months for desertion and insubordination met with General James Kabarebe to discuss his ordeal, however, he will not receive senior deployment as army rules state he must go under rehabilitation before he is reassigned to a senior post again.

South Africa’s anti apartheid and freedom singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka arrived in Rwanda on Thursday; Chaka was invited to perform at Amahoro stadium yesterday as part of closing ceremonies for Kigali City’s centenary celebrations which have been ongoing for the last three months.

Chaka Chaka sang for a select VIP audience at Serena Hotel on Friday evening.

She came with a big entourage including her 11-member band members and her son.

Kigali’s centenary will leave an everlasting impact on the city forever, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kakira, the mayor has promised to force beggars out of the city, Kirabo said the beggars are spoiling the good image that her lordship is trying to build. She was speaking at a bash for the homeless in Kigali on Commercial streets.

In the past tourists have complained about the way beggars on Kigali’s streets kept staring at them or following them for long distances begging for money.

Kirabo said beggars pretend to be disabled and portray extreme poverty, which leads to some tourists thinking Rwandans are too poor-She promised to find employment for Kigali youths.
