The importance of feeding on vitamins

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, is finding that there will be a new life coming their way in nine months.  Although pregnancy is a wonderful phase, it can also be very tricky to ensure the mother-to-be and baby’s health.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Common foods contain vitamins

One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life, is finding that there will be a new life coming their way in nine months.  Although pregnancy is a wonderful phase, it can also be very tricky to ensure the mother-to-be and baby’s health.

Doctors and nutritionists alike, believe that taking vitamins and supplements while pregnant can ensure optimum health, for the growing child and mother.

When women find out they are pregnant, it’s very likely that they could be weeks or even months along in gestation.  While the body is preparing for the birth, the nutritional intake of the mother often stays the same. 

Therefore, to ensure that the mother and the baby’s nutritional needs are met, and the baby hits all its developmental key milestones (in relation to growth and formation) during the pregnancy, vitamins are an essential part of the mother’s health routine.

Another important supplement to consider taking while pregnant is iodine.

This essential vitamin, helps to develop your baby’s nervous system, plays an important role in regulating the thyroid glands and in producing the thyroid hormone called thyroxine, which regulates metabolism.

As the baby grows into the later months, the blood supply will be increased and therefore anaemia can set in.

To avoid this, organic iron supplements such as iron amino acid chelates can be beneficial, as is calcium, especially as the baby’s bones are forming and will require the additional nutrients.

If additional supplements are required, look for ones that also contain vitamin C as it aids in absorption.  A non-acidic vitamin C such as calcium ascorbate is gentler on the stomach.

It can sometimes be difficult to maintain a balanced diet fit for pregnancy due to nutritional choices (being vegetarian or vegan), allergies or just not having the time.

In these cases, a multi-vitamin can lift the mother’s nutritional intake.

However, choosing a pregnancy multi-vitamin as opposed to a regular woman’s multi-vitamin is preferred as they often contain more iron and folate and have lower levels of vitamin A which can be potentially harmful to the unborn child.

The nutritional plan that is followed during the pregnancy, can often impact the baby, not only whilst in the womb, but for years to come.

Make sure that every effort is taken to adhere to the doctor’s advice and follow a well balanced, healthy diet and vitamin supplement plan.

Some of the common vitamins with their body values are mentioned below;

Vitamin A

This vitamin is perfect for those wanting to improve teeth, skin and bone health.  It’s also great for building up the immune system and improving vision.

Vitamin A is not essential for a daily multivitamin as the body stores the vitamin in the liver, with the average persons liver containing about two years supply of vitamin A.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D assists with calcium absorption, helps maintain healthy bones in adults and allows the body to maintain regular levels of phosphorus and calcium.  For kids, the vitamin is necessary for strong bones, general growth and also can prevent and cure rickets.

A vitamin D deficiency can come from the body not being exposed to enough sunlight! Natural vitamin D such as D3 is the best form to take as it is more readily absorbed.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is necessary for the formation of normal red blood cells and immune function, DNA maintenance and also helps protect lipids and cells from free radical damage.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and maintaining bone mineralization. 

Folic Acid

Folic acid is widely known as a vitamin for expectant mothers to take during pregnancy, so as to prevent neural tube defects in their unborn baby, but it does serve more than just that purpose.

This vitamin can also help maintain a healthy intestinal tract, is necessary for amino acid metabolism, helps with the formation of nucleic acids that form DNA, which is important for normal growth and development and assists with red blood cell formation.
