Fashion/style: African clothing and fashion attire

After colonization, the traditional clothes, for instance the bark-cloth and skin, were replaced by western clothing introduced by the European colonialists.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Brigitte Uwamuranga.

After colonization, the traditional clothes, for instance the bark-cloth and skin, were replaced by western clothing introduced by the European colonialists.

In Rwanda, styles of traditional dress have been influenced by the near eastern culture, though of late, the West African culture has also taken precedence, because of its renowned beautifully dyed colours.

Brigitte Uwamuranga manages two stalls at Hotel des Mille Collines and Hotel Novotel in Kigali, where she sells hand sewn and embroidered clothing. She saws kitenge shirts and dresses. 

When asked where she gets her ideas, Uwamuranga said that some designs just come out of her imagination. Others come from magazines to see what the current trends are in other parts of the world. She never tries to imitate local fashions, though. Uwamuranga likes her clothes to be unique.

Uwamuranga says Africa attire should not skip people’s wardrobes, because it makes one look decent and pretty, and most importantly, it portrays a sense  of  Africanism. She imports her fabrics from west and east Africa. 
