Editorial: Are gospel preachers for conversion or miracles?

The current wave of believers flocking churches and mammoth gatherings in anticipation of miracles, has left minds of many in wonder; are gospel preachers for conversion or miracles?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The current wave of believers flocking churches and mammoth gatherings in anticipation of miracles, has left minds of many in wonder; are gospel preachers for conversion or miracles?

During Pastor Robert Kayanja’s crusade that was dubbed "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever,” a number of people who flocked Kigali’s Amahoro stadium in Remera claimed to have been healed ‘miraculously.’

It is a common phenomenon that is widely known to happen at prayer gatherings and meetings, especially if preaching takes precedence on the agenda.

What stuns the public is the way such meetings begin, progress, end and their aftermath. A good number go to attend them with different motives: for conversion from their aberrant state of life, while others go in anticipation of miracles and life breakthroughs.

In his opening remarks Pastor Kayanja said, "I was here one Sunday, when you were just recovering from the tragedy,….Now God is going to touch you and you are not going to remain the same.”

Such messages of conversion are spinning wheels that   turn   around people’s hearts which may be covered in dirty linen of hatred; they are laudable for a society recovering from past mayhems.

However, messages like, "If Jesus Christ healed sicknesses, delivered people, chased out demons 2000 years ago, then he can do it tonight; it is possible for cripples to walk…” as heard in the Pastor’s opening sermon, left many questions in peoples’ minds.

Should we shun medical attention at health centres and turn to pastors for instant healings? Should we go for medical check ups even after the claimed pastors’ miraculous prayers? All these are left unattended to.

From the  miracle crusade by Pastor Robert Kayanja, it was reported that several physical healings took place; though public is yet to establish on the progress of the business community and women entrepreneurs in the aftermath of such crusades.

It is a taste of faith whether gospel preachers are for conversion or miracles; it still leaves a lot to be discovered as such crusades unfold one after another.

In today’s Sunday Magazine, provide details of what transpired at Pastor Robert Kayanja’s miracle crusade in Kigali. You’ll also read more stories on humour and relationships.
