Six injured in city accident

Six passengers were injured in an accident yesterday when a city commuter rammed into another vehicle near Kacyiru Executive Apartments on Boulevard de L’umuganda Road.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Six passengers were injured in an accident yesterday when a city commuter rammed into another vehicle near Kacyiru Executive Apartments on Boulevard de L’umuganda Road.

The Nyabugogo-bound commuter (reg. number RRA0981) with 16 passengers onboard hit a Land Cruiser which was crossing and swerved off the road several metres as the driver tried to control it.

The injured, names not readily available, were immediately rushed to nearby King Faysal Hospital.

Five had minor injuries were treated and released shortly while one seriously injured is still admitted, doctors at the hospital said.

Traffic officers, who rushed at the scene interrogated the driver Alexandre Musoni, said the primary cause of the accident was failure in the commuter’s breaking system and reckless driving.

But Police Spokesman Marcel Higiro said further investigations were being carried out to ascertain the exact cause of the accident.

Eyewitnesses said the commuter’s conductor could have broken his back-born because vehicle fell on his side. One of the passengers, who escaped unhurt and identified only as Cirile, said the driver had tried his best to save them but in vain.

Jean Claude Tuyishime who rushed to scene to rescue some of the victims said those who were not hurt had their seatbelts on.

A security guard at the apartments said it is the second accident at the same spot in a few weeks, and attributed both to reckless driving.
