Palatine sinks Frw9m in nationals

The German federal state of Rhenanie Palatine has granted Frw  9m to the national athletics federation organizing the forthcoming national championships slated for December 8-11 in Kigali.

Friday, November 16, 2007
MONEY BAGS: Tribert Rujugiro.

The German federal state of Rhenanie Palatine has granted Frw  9m to the national athletics federation organizing the forthcoming national championships slated for December 8-11 in Kigali.

According to Appolinaire Munyangoga, the federation’s Secretary General, the grant was passed to the Federation through the Germany Embassy.

According to Jean Pierre Manirarora, RAF under Secretary, more sponsorship is expected from city tycoon Tribert Rujugiro, MTN and Sulfo to supplement that of Rhenanie Palatine so that the event is run effectively.

"We want to give value to the national championship. That is why it has been heavily prized. This will motivate the individuals and also step up competition and performance in the event,” said Manirarora.

The event has attracted several national institutions teams and schools and it will be used as a qualification event for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
