King Mutara III buildings in Nyagatare to be refurbished

NYAGATARE - The National Institute of Research and Technology IRST-Nyagatare station plans to refurbish King Mutara III’s palace located in Nyagatare District. According to IRST officials, the ‘forgotten’ palace  located in Mimuli sector will be renovated for the purposes of transforming it into one of the historical sites in the country.  

Sunday, October 18, 2009

NYAGATARE - The National Institute of Research and Technology IRST-Nyagatare station plans to refurbish King Mutara III’s palace located in Nyagatare District. 

According to IRST officials, the ‘forgotten’ palace  located in Mimuli sector will be renovated for the purposes of transforming it into one of the historical sites in the country. 

The palace  accommodated the King and his guards after engaging in hunting activities, according to area residents. 

The compound housing this palace with five houses, currently serves as the offices for Mimuli Police Post. 
IRST officials, say the structures  will be renovated to give them their original style. 

"After King Mutara III was overthrown this palace was no longer used properly…we want to re-design its  and will in a near future emerge as a historical site,” Jean de Dieu

Mushumba, IRST official at Nyagatare station said. 
He added that IRST is also compiling data on the history of these structures to make it a full cultural heritage.   

Innocent Bazambanza, a resident of Mumuli told The New Times that all the materials housed in this palace were looted during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.
