PM interaction with Parliament vital

President Paul Kagame said on Friday, that there is a proposal to have the Prime Minister appear regularly before parliament for better coordination between government and parliament. The Prime Minister, who is the coordinator of government business, is well placed to explain policy decisions with finality to the legislators. This is because some policy issues cut across ministries and government departments and as such, require someone to coordinate and as well as articulate them. It is well known that in certain political systems, the Premier is the leader of government business in parliament.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

President Paul Kagame said on Friday, that there is a proposal to have the Prime Minister appear regularly before parliament for better coordination between government and parliament.

The Prime Minister, who is the coordinator of government business, is well placed to explain policy decisions with finality to the legislators.

This is because some policy issues cut across ministries and government departments and as such, require someone to coordinate and as well as articulate them.

It is well known that in certain political systems, the Premier is the leader of government business in parliament. This also obtains where the Prime Minister, is not an elected Member of Parliament.

Thus, the Prime Minister attends parliamentary sittings as an ex-officio member, and is able to explain and clarify the general position of government to the people through their elected representatives in the legislature.

As reported in the media, at present it is cabinet ministers who are required to appear before parliament from time to time to explain different policy issues, mainly to do with their line ministries.

The proposal therefore, will way help create a situation where one person is able to play the role that is at times played by different individuals.

However, this does not negate the role of other cabinet members and should be seen as not only complimentary, but also aimed at fast tracking government business.
