Rwanda for World Kungfu championship

THE national Kungfu team is gearing up for this month’s world wushu championship in Canada. The biannual event, scheduled for October 23 to 30 will attract over 1500 athletes from 121 countries.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

THE national Kungfu team is gearing up for this month’s world wushu championship in Canada.

The biannual event, scheduled for October 23 to 30 will attract over 1500 athletes from 121 countries.

Despite it being Rwanda’s first time, the president of the national Kungfu federation Yassin Uramukiye Mubarak is optimistic that the team can still put up a good show.

"We have prepared this team for over six weeks, and we feel they have what it takes to put up a good show in Canada,” the official said.

Wushu is a Chinese term for martial arts and encompasses all Chinese based arts such as Tai Chi, Shaolin Kungfu and Wing Chin.

In a related development, Mubarak disclosed that the inaugural East African wushu championship had been postponed.

The event, which was scheduled to start today, was temporarily called off when most East African countries conceded that they could not compete in two international tournaments in the same month.
