Genocide suspect arrested over denying Genocide

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI—A 1994 Rwanda Genocide suspect has been arrested in Kamembe sector, over Genocide denial. Aloys Mujyabwami Alias Biniga, 57, recently made public statements contradicting the existence of the 1994 Genocide, and saying no such thing took place, specifically in the former Cyangugu prefecture.

Friday, November 16, 2007


RUSIZI—A 1994 Rwanda Genocide suspect has been arrested in Kamembe sector, over Genocide denial. Aloys Mujyabwami Alias Biniga, 57, recently made public statements contradicting the existence of the 1994 Genocide, and saying no such thing took place, specifically in the former Cyangugu prefecture.

In his statements he made before the packed Kamembe Gacaca appellate court, the latter said "though you accuse me that I took a hand in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, according to my own understanding and observation there was no Genocide in Cyangugu region and countrywide but may be it was instead just a massacre of people among various tribes.”

Mujyabwami is accused of participating in the killing of several at Gatandara, centre pastoral and Kadasomwa road blocks in Kamembe sector, Rusizi district during the Genocide.

He is also accused of taking a hand in slaughter of thousands at Cyangugu stadium where the group had gone to seek asylum from various directions in country.

The latter is also accused of having supplied machetes, pangs and guns to Interahamwe and Ex-FAR at Gatandara and pastoral road blocks and in other parts of former Cyangugu prefecture during 1994. He was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment and was immediately taken to Kamembe police station.

"Since you have seriously denied that there was no Genocide in the country and yet we have proof from survivors and witnesses that you were among the perpetrators and master planners of the Genocide in the region, we have sentenced you to 7 years imprisonment,” Philemon Rutonesha, president of Kamembe sector Gacaca court said.

Mujyamwami was recently arrested at Goma airport in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo after his arrival from Belgium where he was living since 1994 and holds a Belgium nationality and passport.
