Why Kagame stands out

 Looking at the history of our country, dating from the days of exploitation by the colonialist, and the divisionism they planted leading to successive genocides beginning in 1959 up to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi; few would have imagined that Rwanda would now be on the road to prosperity.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

 Looking at the history of our country, dating from the days of exploitation by the colonialist, and the divisionism they planted leading to successive genocides beginning in 1959 up to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi; few would have imagined that Rwanda would now be on the road to prosperity.

The divisionism and its consequences, led to many Rwandans losing their identity and others take on the life of refugees.

For many, who were young, it took time to realize that they were refugees and did not have a country to call home. I remember growing up with my parents toiling in other peoples banana plantations, in order to give us a better future.

Many people had to accept the fact that they were in refuge camps.

But as we all recall, many spent sleepless nights planning how to end this statelessness. We recall that through all this, President Paul Kagame stood out as he together with others decided to struggle and end that situation.

The struggle for Rwanda’s liberation, was unique in its own way, but by the time of its triumph, we had witnessed other liberation struggles in Africa and other parts of the world .

But many such liberation leaders, would later after assuming the reigns of power, not live up to what they had promised. Many disappointed the hopes and aspirations of their people.

We recall that some promised to serve for a short period of time and hand over power, but that was easily said than done.

Those who were associated with the powerful and mighty in such places became untouchables and had a free ride on state resources.

We have now seen that there are leaders who are different and have a high moral purpose in their leadership. Nelson Mandela and our own Paul Kagame stand out.

A few weeks ago, I watched mayors present their performance contracts and many said a lot. But what moved me, was the Presidents speech.

He never tires of encouraging leaders to stay the course and aim higher even if they have already achieved something.

What clearly captivates many about the leadership of Rwanda, as espoused in the personality of our President, is that there are no untouchables in the country. Holding office is about service and not "eating”. There is no sense of entitlement.

Even outside the country, when on international visits, Kagame stands out as an African leader who clearly understands the problems of his people, and is ready to go all the way in causing transformation and ensuring dignity for his people.

He is a great nationalist of our time who I think other African leaders should look at and learn something.
