FICTION : The long fateful love

Sando sat on a rock at the bank of the river wondering and thinking about his fate. Everything was suddenly without taste. Greetings from friends and relatives after that hospital visit went un-answered as his mind was lost in thought. The doctor had just broken the sad news to him which he least expected.  

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sando sat on a rock at the bank of the river wondering and thinking about his fate. Everything was suddenly without taste.

Greetings from friends and relatives after that hospital visit went un-answered as his mind was lost in thought. The doctor had just broken the sad news to him which he least expected.

Tears were running through his cheeks uncontrollably. What came in his mind was death.

A sting that came with full force and all he wanted was to disappear from the ugly looking world. His feet carried him straight to this river where the stinking world and all the stinking inhabitants would be past tense, so he thought.

From his childhood, Sando lived a decent life. His father being a pastor was strict on him. He was the only child in the family and was expected to live a ‘sainthood’ lifestyle by his father who did not hide his desire for his son to be a pastor.

Sando had just completed his high school education and had passed with flying colors. He wanted to go to the university but his father had made other arrangements.

He had organized on getting his son abroad for theological college. Sando was displeased by the idea but he could not dare go against his father’s command. He was revered by his wife and his congregation as well.

At high school, he used to be a black sheep among his peers.

At the dictates of his father, he had joined Christian Union and kept the standards expected by that community. He secretly admired the lives of the other boys.

They seemingly had freedom in doing whatever they wanted. Sando had to live what was expected by his father and not what he wanted.

Teresia is the name of the girl Sando had befriended at Primary School.They used to be at the same table and though unknown to many, they were lovers.

They had exchanged countless love notes and by the time they were doing their last exams to join high school, they had made promises to each other that they would stick together no matter what.

Things did not work out as expected. Teresia failed in her primary school exams and her parents could not raise enough money for her to continue with education.

Her elder sister lived in a neighboring country where it was said she worked in a classic hotel. Soon after the exam results were out, she paid her parents a visit and an idea was floated that Teresia should accompany her on her way back.

This was agreed upon. It happened very fast that Teresia did not have time to even say good bye to his boyfriend.

She could not get permission since they had kept their relationship a secret. She however managed to write a small note to her boyfriend and gave it to a close friend to deliver.

Sando learnt that her girl friend had gone but that note consoled him. Teresia had reiterated in that note that she will keep the promise.

She assured him that he is gone but still in her heart. Sando did not have a choice. It did not take long when he was admitted in a prestigious high school.

He never communicated with her girlfriend in his entire high school life since they did not have contact.

The only thing that would relieve his heart when the cupid’s arrow would strike was a small passport size photograph of Teresia which he managed to get from her while at primary school.

Teresia being as young as she was had no idea the kind of life her elder sister lived. Contrary to the make believe of many, she actually was involved in the oldest trade on earth.

She enjoyed her journey to a foreign country oblivious of what awaited her. Her sister did not talk much during the entire journey.

She only talked when her younger sister interjected with an enquiry question. The journey took them approximately fifteen hours.

Teresia took her sister to her small rented room which she shared with her friends in the suburban. She was welcomed not in a very polite manner by the ‘residing officers’ who not long would teach her a lesson or two on how to survive.

Having nowhere to go and with no alternative, Teresia slowly adopted to the kind of life her sister lived. Sando remained in the shadows of her memory. ‘Out of sight out of mind’

Sando completed his high school and was now waiting to go abroad to study theology at the will of his father. He fantasized on the things he would like to accomplish before he left overseas. He had kept the promise he made to Teresia.

He never had another girlfriend nor had he made love to any. He craved to see her only Teresia and possibly make love with her for the first time.

Like a prayer answered. Word went around that Teresia had visited her parents. Sando heard of her glad coming and he could not wait to see her. One thing led to another.

Teresia assured him of how she had also kept the promise. She had the news that Sando was headed overseas and as any other girl would do she made a fatal lie to Sando.

Sando turned his fantasies into reality and ate the forbidden fruit she had craved for all the years. And sweet it was!

At the embassy, it was mandatory for the blood to be screened before the visa could be issued. This made Sando to visit the doctor. Sweet chewed for the first time in less than ten minutes condemned Sando to………
to be continued………….