Senate endorses agro board

The Senate on Tuesday unanimously endorsed a bill seeking to merge four institutions within the agricultural sector. The Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB) will combine the Rwanda Horticulture Development Authority (RHODA), Rwanda Tea Authority (OCIR THE), Rwanda Coffee Development Authority (OCIR CAFÉ) and Rwanda Livestock and Animal Development Authority (RARDA).

Thursday, October 15, 2009
DEFENDED BILL: Agnes Kalibata

The Senate on Tuesday unanimously endorsed a bill seeking to merge four institutions within the agricultural sector.

The Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB) will combine the Rwanda Horticulture Development Authority (RHODA), Rwanda Tea Authority (OCIR THE), Rwanda Coffee Development Authority (OCIR CAFÉ) and Rwanda Livestock and Animal Development Authority (RARDA).

The agricultural institutions currently under the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) were already operating under the same budget allocation even before the bill merging them was passed.

Defending the bill before Senate, Agriculture Minister, Agnes Kalibata, said that all the agricultural production returns from the entities to be merged will now be managed under one roof.

"This board will be in charge of updating farmer and agricultural experts on several opportunities and initiatives in the country respectively,” said Kalibata.

She said that the RAB would improve service delivery within the agro sector and ease coordination between farmers and agricultural officials. It is also expected to minimize expenses and maximize on delivery.

Of recent, the government has embarked on a programme of merging different institutions as a way of expediting service delivery within the public sector.
