Prof. Ghai, where do you get your data from?

Editor, I would like to comment about the article written by Prof. Yash Ghai in the Kenya’s Standard newspaper titled, “What they don’t tell you about Rwanda. To me, as a media practitioner, this article is of little meaning.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Prof. Yash Ghai. The author of the offending article in the Kenyan Standard newspaper.


I would like to comment about the article written by Prof. Yash Ghai in the Kenya’s Standard newspaper titled, "What they don’t tell you about Rwanda.

To me, as a media practitioner, this article is of little meaning. It does not  read like a piece written by an academician (which he is) or as something which is journalistically sound. It is just an empty opinion lacking any scientific backing. 

Let him be informed that we know the facts about Rwanda. We Rwandans have visions to realize and we’ll not be misled by the enemies of our success.

I ask, dear professor, "apart from some strange ill feeling that you have towards Rwanda, does it cost you anything we succeed”? Sorry though, your animosity  won’t change either our vision or pace of development

May God bless you.


NUR Public Relations Officer