Sounds good, however…

Using ICT to help idle children get off the streets of Kigali sounds intriguing. The ministry of education together with the government of India has agreed to embark on this programme. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Using ICT to help idle children get off the streets of Kigali sounds intriguing. The ministry of education together with the government of India has agreed to embark on this programme. 

The computer packages for these children include ways of maintaining personal hygiene, sensitisation of masses about the dangers of HIV/Aids and prevention, ways of controlling malaria and learning new games.

The ministry plans to pay particular attention to areas that have the highest number of street kids. Many computer kiosks are to be built such that the children will be engaged in several activities that will compensate for the time they lost.

Two kiosks have already been built in Remera. All this is unquestionably possible. However, the reality of using ICT to help the street children seems farfetched.

Please educate the public on how this will work such the public can also be of help.
