FASHION/STYLE : Put a little service into yourself

This is going to hurt, but I must be straight with you. When a colleague came to work yesterday with shabby hair and a pale face, I almost asked what was wrong with her. Call me sceptical, but, people will always judge you by the way you look. The time you spend on your looks can make all the difference.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is going to hurt, but I must be straight with you. When a colleague came to work yesterday with shabby hair and a pale face, I almost asked what was wrong with her.

Call me sceptical, but, people will always judge you by the way you look. The time you spend on your looks can make all the difference. Think about it. Who looks more gorgeous, the shabby person, or the one who takes good care of her/himself? 

Beauty treatments are all over in boutiques. And the good news is that, they are no longer limited to only women and girls, men too, can freely enjoy the services and products.

Taking good care of yourself isn’t expensive either, but just a question of enjoying the practice. For example, it’s important to know that it’s inappropriate to leave your bed and go anywhere before you bathe. 

It’s equally important to always view yourself in the mirror before you set off to meet people, or go anywhere. It will save you from unnecessary embarrassment.

Being concerned about your looks will not only win you points from the public, but will also help you to be confident wherever you are.

So, it is perhaps unsurprising and many will call it OK, but why should someone, a woman, or girl, for that matter, think that it’s ok to leave the house with shabby hair, a pale face, or even wearing items that don’t match the occasion.

The point I am trying to make is for you to know the basics that will save you from public embarrassment.

For example if establishing gorgeous hair is one of your goals, then you must try something different (if your old methods weren’t producing the results you were looking for). Don’t try not to cut any corners when it comes to establishing and maintaining anything that is important to you.

"Hair care is a chemical process that requires a professional touch to maintain, if treated well, it will look thick, healthy, and admirable,” says Aline Utamuriza, a saloon assistant.

In Kigali, different hairdos are everywhere. You will see people using different materials to liven up their look. Choppy lengths and layers make long hair more interesting.

Investing in your looks doesn’t necessary mean hair treatment and cosmetics. You also need to go for the massage, sauna, and also need to do the manicure and pedicure.

Take some time and look over your nails. If it is the first time to do a manicure by yourself, then you need to first know the condition your nails are in. Are they dry?

This could be because you have been changing nail polish often. The acetone in the nail polish remover is one of the biggest reasons your nails might be dry.

The little service you give to your skin will make a significant change to your life and boost your wellbeing.