Investigations begin into Frw10m loss

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—The attorney general’s office has begun investigating the case in which about Frw10 million allegedly went unaccounted for at Eto-Nyamata.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


BUGESERA—The attorney general’s office has begun investigating the case in which about Frw10 million allegedly went unaccounted for at Eto-Nyamata.

A member of staff who asked not to be named said a team from the attorney general’s office led by Chantal Ingabire visited to audit the school accounts recently and wanted to interrogate heads of departments over the unaccounted funds.

Sources said the money was part of a Frw56 million grant the government gave the school in the last academic year towards the construction of a school workshop.

The school was then headed by Nick Arnett who has since left the country after completing his contract. Arnett currently remains out of touch.

Ingabire and the district internal auditor refused to comment on the issue saying they were not authorized to do so. However, the school deputy headmaster Prosper Rucyaha acknowledged the issue but said the school was yet to harmonize their accounts over the missing funds.

Rucyaha said the auditors raised the matter allegedly because the money did not appear in the construction expenditures which were audited as part of the money had been diverted to buy other school workshop materials by the former headmaster Arnett before he left.
