Bank Populaire build premises in Kabarore

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO—Those living near Kabarore and banking with Bank Populaire acan now look forward to new developments as they bank radically upgrades its services as it moves to a new location.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


GATSIBO—Those living near Kabarore and banking with Bank Populaire acan now look forward to new developments as they bank radically upgrades its services as it moves to a new location.

Computerization of the central banking system which will be one the most-touted developments. services for its clients. With over 4,000 clients it is the most popular lender in the area and has been operating and renting premises in Kabarore since 1997.

Most of the clients of these banks are local people who have not gone to school. The clients have been complaining about poor service delivery and customer care but there is hope now that the new changes will help improve the banks image come next year when they turn into commercial banks.

Many other categories of people today including government officials are using the services of this bank through its saving and loan schemes.

However, the bank might face some problems in future from its clients who acquired loans and have since then stubbornly refused to pay them.

The defaulters include big government officials and some mishinga owners that have borrowed millions of Francs from the establishment and are currently pinned on the notice board outside the bank in Kabarore.

Populaire manager Emmanuel Gisagara says that the bank has gone through all loan recovery procedures to see that the defaulters pay back their loans but their still has been no response.

"We have gone to the extent of calling them on the radio and even pinning them on the notice board outside the bank but still even the government officials who have the potential to pay have stubbornly refused,” Gisagara said.

"In spite of all this, we are pushing forward and we as the bank are not discouraged though this has stalled the bank’s loaning scheme to the effect that we are currently not giving loans until those defaulters pay back” he said.

The bank is currently waiting for clearance from the district in order to start construction at the new premises in Kabarore.
