The secret life of... : George K. Njoroge

George K. Njoroge is the Rector of Kigali Institute of Education (KIE). He is married and a happy father. Below, he shares part of what constitutes his life.

Friday, October 09, 2009
George K. Njoroge

George K. Njoroge is the Rector of Kigali Institute of Education (KIE). He is married and a happy father. Below, he shares part of what constitutes his life.

The first thing you do in the morning
I jog for physical fitness.

When are you happiest?
When a set goal is achieved

Greatest fear

Earliest childhood memory
Coming from a poor family and my parents’ advice to aim high academically.

Affectionate memory of your parents
The care that made me what I am today.

Greatest achievement…
It’s the society to judge.

What keeps you awake?
Failure to accomplish what is meant to be ready in a set period of time.

The most important thing life has taught you…
No matter one’s achievements, he or she should be humble and considerate. 

During your free time
I listen to African music and take my family out.

Retirement plans
I will engage in national development activities more than I am today.

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