ICT bill in offing

A bill to regulate the fast growing communications sector in the country is in pipeline, Eng Albert Butare, State minister for Energy and Communication has said.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A bill to regulate the fast growing communications sector in the country is in pipeline, Eng Albert Butare, State minister for Energy and Communication has said.

"Sectors like internet governance, issues of electronic communication or telecommunication, postal services, broadcast have their laws, but they have to be considered in the ICT Bill,” Butare said.

If it becomes law, high quality communication services would be provided and rights of service users will be ensured. The Director General National Post Corporation Celestin Kayitare said that if the bill is passed, it will help postal providers in the country provide good and efficient services. He was however quick to say Post Office-Rwanda is currently facing stiff competition from unregistered courier companies.

"Transport companies like Atraco, Volcano and others are doing the business of sending letters and other courier work which is our traditional business,” he cited.

The bill also provides possibility of opening up of the postal services to competition. But this will be in a gradual and controlled way while ensuring universal service.
